You don’t have to go to college or university to get to call yourself a freelancer.
So what backgrounds do freelancers come from? It’s a very interesting question – and we’ve got some extensive answers. We asked over our freelancers from our facebook community page subscribers (+12.000) to tell us their highest obtained degree. Here are the results:
Link: Your Own Educational system (survey).
84% of our participants said they took a self education system for filling up their technical knowledge wich they use to work in freelance! And it shows that freelancing attracts these people, who believe they can use their knowledge without being a part of a big organization or with without taking any university degree.
In the other side, 16% of our survey participants had finished a technical college or university degree. That’s no wonder if you consider just how popular some of the technical jobs are with freelancers. Whether you learned how to write code or build websites, technical colleges offer a great deal of expertise that can be useful as a freelancer. Those 16% probably have a pretty good chance of finding jobs, but they chose freelancing instead!