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Launch of Khdemti in beta!

Un article

We are pleased to announce the launch of Khdemti.
There is still a lot of work to achieve a more developed version including all the features.
That is why we will be particularly attentive to all your valuable comments and suggestions concerning this space in our
Support center.
Do not hesitate to use the chat or the contact form to contact us.

Why Beta?

The role of beta phases is to have the application tested by as many people as possible and to gain experience feedback to improve the Khdemti service. The website and its support center are also made available to provide a sharing place for Freelancers & project promoters. Commercialization should occur at the end of the beta phase.

What now?

You can always visit how it works ? Or read our privacy policy as well as Terms of use

La plate-forme Khdemti
2395 vues
Centre de support